
Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday, July 2, 2012

Stay hydrated!

Healthy baby=Happy mama

Good hydration is extremely important for a healthy pregnancy and postpartum period. Water flushes waste products from the cells and aids in liver and kidney function for both mom and the baby. During pregnancy, water is also needed for the body's expansion as mom's blood volume increases significantly. Insufficient water intake can be a factor in constipation, preterm labor, and miscarriage, and even slight dehydration can cause or contribute to fatigue. Proper hydration is also important for adequate breast milk production and flow.
Most women know about the need for proper hydration during pregnancy, but many do not get adequate fluid intake. Some women do not like drinking water; others say they are not generally thirsty. Additionally, women are often unaware that some beverages are actually dehydrating.
Caffeinated and high-sugar beverages (my pepsi craving :( ahh)  are actually dehydrating and should not count in your daily total of fluids - and are best avoided.

       H2O instead  

 It's better to drink smaller amounts of healthy liquids
 frequently vs. large amounts only a couple times per day.
 Think of a house plant - if you don’t water it enough and
 then give it a lot of water, most of the water runs straight through,
 and certainly does not make up for the hours of time where hydration was lacking.

                                                                                * * *

             ~ I agree it is annoying having to pee (almost) every five minutes. And the more you drink the more trips to the bathroom you have to make. And sometimes that can be very frustrating. I guess just have to keep it in mind that you need water to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to your organs and tissues. It also helps transport oxygen to your cells, removes waste, and protects your joints and organs. And not only for you but most importantly for your baby! ~

Sunday, July 1, 2012


 Weird cravings? Yes

                             ICE CREAM!           
                                                     I never was a big fan of ice cream before i got pregnant now its something I desire almost every day lol


All of a sudden I start craving sunflower seeds... So I'm addicted to them for 2 weeks now lol.


And the weirdest craving is Pepsi.!! Never was a soda fan at all. In fact I'm a little bit of a healthy freak. Eating fruit and vegetables so yeah... this is new for me. A nice tall glass of pepsi & ice, honestly tastes like heaven! I try really hard to stay away from it but sometimes I give in.. bad me..

~ So this is me 8 months pregnant (36 weeks to be exact).
    And to be honest I am kind of proud of myself for keeping up with healthy eating habbits, and staying active. Hence the result-I only gained about 20 pounds. Yayyyy!
   I don't judge people that gain a lot of weight during thier pregnancies. Women have different bodies, different metabolism, and eating habbits. Or sometimes the weight comes from the fluid that stores up during pregnancy. Just had to throw it out there lol.~

So Far this (my first) pregnancy has been a blessing! Thank God! Minus the few rough months in the begining. Due to all the morning sickness and nausea (that I thought would never go away!! but it did...) And I have to admit pregnancy is a wonderful expirence overall. Minus the backache, tiredness, shortness of breath, and hormonal mood swings... these are the only "rough" things I am
dealing with right now. So I'm greatful! On the positive note you get to carry "LIFE" inside of you. Another human being! There is no other feeing that can compare to your little baby kicking/swimming/hiccuping inside you! It just is so incrediable! Feeling it, watching the belly move and form different angles, having your partner talk to the baby... Just puts a smile on your face.

Being just a month away from my baby girl's arival makes me SO EXCITED and yet so nervous at the same time! Another human's life is gonna be placed in MY (and Wesley's [my boyfriend]..) hands. Kids are such a big responsibility! And they are alot of work. I've learned that from babysitting my bestie's children. Max 5, and Eva 2. But its all worth it because kids are blessings from God.